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Esta tradução para o português foi feita através de uma parceria com o ICTP South American Institute for Fundamental Research e o Instituto Serrapilheira. Clique aqui se você quiser mais informações sobre as atividades de extensão em física desenvolvidas pelo ICTP-SAIFR no Brasil.  


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15 products

Decorative image
Image of Event Horizon Explorer (EHE)
Seeing Black Holes with an Earth-sized Telescope
Science in the News - Biggest Radio Telescope Gets Bigger
Making Models: Wooden Blocks
Finding the Top Quark
Finding the Top Quark Sale price
Science in the News - Signs of Inflation
Science in the News - What Made That Sound?
Science in the News – Where do Cosmic Rays Come From?
Scientist Trading Cards
Scientist Trading Cards Sale price
Solving the Mystery of the Ghost Particle
Where Did All the Neutrinos from the Sun Go?
Can You Build a Quantum Computer?: Breakout Activity