Automated for the Future

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  • With Video includes our full video (1.4 GB, MOV file)
  • With YouTube Video Link includes a link to the same video on YouTube

Students learn about mechanical systems, simple machines, and the global positioning system, among others. This resource includes lessons for science, math, and computer studies. 

The Impacts of Automated Systems 


Students ask questions, think critically about information, and build knowledge about mechanical systems. 

Inquiry-Based Centres 

Students engage in observations, discovery, data collection, graphing, and discussion about four simple machines. They learn about the idea of a fair test. 

Building Systems—Design and Technology Challenge 

Students build a unique and innovative working model of a personal transportation vehicle. Working in groups, they use their knowledge of simple machines and systems to engineer an original design for human transportation. 

 Cool Coding Systems 

Students create a set of instructions for moving around a room and finding a secret message. They then swap their instructions with other students and follow the other group’s instructions. Students learn about the structure of computer code. 

Circle Measurements 

Students explore the concept of a circle and discover ways to measure circles.  

Circle Relationships 

Students look for relationships between the radius, diameter, and circumference of a circle. They learn about the number pi (π). 

GPS and Circle Connections 

Students use their knowledge of circles and measurements to learn how GPS works. 

Closer: Systems Evolution 

Students research a system and share their findings in the form of a visual history. Next, they work in groups and design a social media app. 

Language: En
Type of Download: With Video