TN - Contemporary Physics
Workshop Abstract: Are you looking for something to bring a bit of pizzazz to your every-day physics classroom? Then this resource is for you and your students! Each activity is centered around some traditional physics content which is then applied to a real-world everyday or modern physics concept. For example, frames of reference and gravitational energy wells are necessary to get harvesters to asteroids to stock a Mars base, or the different ionizing properties and how charges behave in magnetic fields are applied to the detectors in the LHC. Time is only relative and there are activities to help your students understand time dilation and length contraction. Finally, describing the hydrogen atom can be done using forces or using standing waves. This Contemporary Physics resource is ready to be used in your classroom. It has been developed by educators in collaboration with Perimeter Institute researchers to engage high school students.
File Size: 520 MB
Revision Date: August 2020